4.0 out of 5 stars - Interesting, Historically-driven Interpretation
October 15, 2019
"Revelation: Mature Look" is a well-written discussion of the book of Revelation, and how it may apply to both the past and the present. The first half of the book provides a detailed, interesting historical account of the Jewish people and early Christian church. The author simultaneously takes the reader chronologically through historical events and through the symbols depicted in Revelation, explaining how he thinks the visions relate to historical events and why. Although I'm not sure I agree with his conclusions, they are thought-provoking and well thought out. The author also does a great job of separating his opinions from historical fact, to prevent confusion and provide a solid historical narrative even for readers who may not be interested in an interpretation of Revelation. Although I am familiar with the Jewish history presented in the Bible, this discussion deals with Jewish history after Christ, which I previously knew nothing about. I definitely enjoyed reading about the various battles between the Roman Empire, Christian Church, and various sects of traditional Judaism, leading to the dispersal of the Jewish people from Israel. The second half of the book deals with modern times, and the author's interpretation of Revelation as a futuristic prediction. This section can be a little repetitive, as some of the information if presented twice, but is overall still well-written and interesting. The author discusses several modern day visions and that are acknowledged by the Catholic Church, and discusses their significance when taken in context with Revelation. He continues to keep facts and opinion separate, offering a look into some of the moderns statements of the church that I was not familiar with. He also takes time to comment on what he considers some of the failings of modern society, and where we should go from here. Although again, I don't necessarily agree with all of his conclusions, his point of view is very interesting and worth hearing.
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